Make A Bow

Despite what all those posts about spinning might have told you, I do still knit. Some of is secret, some of it for commission, and some of it I just haven’t gotten around to photographing yet. These two little Saplings fall into the commission pile. Now that they’re finished and delivered I can show these off. 

I used my favorite yarn for baby hats, Elsebeth Lavold Cool Wool, which is a soft worsted weight wool cotton blend and great for spring time southern weather. It has wonderful stitch definition, holds it’s shape, and is machine washable. It does have a smaller gauge than recommended in the pattern though so I had to work the larger size to get a nicely sized and stretchy hat.

Since the hats were going to be a gift, a little tag with fiber content and care instructions was in order. Anything worth doing, is worth doing well. So, I wanted the tag to match the hat and share a theme. A cute little bow made from the same yarn as the hat fit the bill wonderfully.   


  • 2x4” piece of card stock (I used kraft paper)
  • 4-6” length of leftover yarn used to make the gift
  • Tapestry needle
  • 1/8” hole punch
  • Pen
  1. Using the hole punch, make 2 holes in the card stock a half inch apart and a half inch from the top.
  2. Under the holes, write the recipient’s name (I left this part blank), the fiber content, and care instructions underneath. 
  3. Thread the yarn though the needle and push it through the holes so that both ends are hanging on the same side as the writing.
  4. Tie a bow. Done!