Little Things: Scissors


Little Things: Celebrating the tiny, sudden joys in life

I’ve never understood the need for teeny-tiny scissors. Well, until I started dabbling in cross-stitch and temari, that is. I had my craft scissors and the ubiquitous pair of scissors that seemed to spend 20% of the time in the junk drawer and the remaining 80% gallivanting around the world. At least, I like to imagine my scissors out having a good time. Takes the sting out of not being able to find them more than once a week. My scissors were good for cutting paper or attacking those annoying, plastic clamshell packages that seem to have a death grip on their contents; however, those same scissors always seemed a little hungry for fine threaded handiwork. 

So, I broke down and bought a small pair of embroidery scissors and finally understood the need for them. The smaller scissors allowed me to more precise and get to closer to the surface of my work. No more worries about hungry scissors eating all of my stitches. That first pair didn’t stay sharp for very long and I eventually splurged on the beautiful Lantern Moon Rococo Embroidery Scissors. They’re sharp, fit well on my fingers, and work wonderfully in either hand. Plus, I am absolutely smitten with how the scissors feel when I cut yarn or embroidery floss. It’s very satisfying. 

If you’re on the fence about the usefulness of tiny little scissors, I recommend trying out a pair. You might just be surprised at how handy they are. 

Have any notions or tools that you enjoy using?

Little Things: Starting Out


Little Things: Celebrating the tiny, sudden joys in life

I love starting new projects. I love researching ideas and variations and all the little details that make up the whole. I love picking colors and gathering supplies. I love finally committing to something and jumping in with both feet. I love casting on, drawing the first line, making the first stitch, and taking the first step.

In the thread, the pencils, the yarn, and the paper, I imagine all the potential just floating around in the ether. When I make that first step, it’s like plucking a bit of that wonderful possibility from the air and solidifying it with my actions and my intent. Doesn’t matter if I’m going for a walk or knitting a new hat, acting on that potential is an great and happy thing.

My latest project is some covert cross stitch. There are just 3 colors but this checkered pattern will be the largest cross stitch project I’ve attempted. Can’t wait to see it finished because I like finishing things just as much as I like starting things. 

So, have you started anything new lately?
