August Break, Not

No worries. I’m not taking a break for the month of August. I already had enough of a blogging break during May and June. August Break is a photo-a-day prompt by Susannah Conway. The idea is that for the month of August, you skip the words and let a photo do all the talking. I liked the idea but skipping posting for a month didn’t sound like a great idea. So, I took the photos to Twitter instead. It’s been a nice change. For the last week, I’ve ignored the prompts but went on the look out for interesting details to document from my day. Things that I would ordinarily pass by with a smile, got a little more recognition.

For daily updates, follow me on Twitter


My favorite spot for summer knitting.

My favorite spot for summer knitting.

Doing a different kind of spinning today.

Doing a different kind of spinning today.

Sometimes, this is what designing knitting patterns looks like. 

Sometimes, this is what designing knitting patterns looks like. 

Making tiny, adorable mini skeins!

Making tiny, adorable mini skeins!

So far, reading subtitles while spinning singles has not been a bad idea.

So far, reading subtitles while spinning singles has not been a bad idea.

Another day, another walk on the beach.

Another day, another walk on the beach.

Found a beautiful shell at low tide. 

Found a beautiful shell at low tide. 

March is for Photography: Week 3


Every month I’m picking one skill to practice everyday for a month and updating my progress every Monday. I call it Project Incremental. Read up on how it all got started. 

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Taking a photo a day - especially, a photo I want to show off - is hard. There, I said it. I didn’t start out thinking this project would be a cake walk but I didn’t realize how difficult it would be. A few days into March, I started following the daily prompts from Fat Mum Slim. Some days were easy and some I’m still haven’t figured out. No surprise, I fell behind. I was determined to catch up on Friday so I grabbed my camera and headed outside. The original plan was to take photos to match each of the prompts. They weren’t any easier. Thankfully, I was in the right time and place for the 15th’s prompt - explore. I took it and ran. Those other prompts? What other prompts?
