August Break, Not
/No worries. I’m not taking a break for the month of August. I already had enough of a blogging break during May and June. August Break is a photo-a-day prompt by Susannah Conway. The idea is that for the month of August, you skip the words and let a photo do all the talking. I liked the idea but skipping posting for a month didn’t sound like a great idea. So, I took the photos to Twitter instead. It’s been a nice change. For the last week, I’ve ignored the prompts but went on the look out for interesting details to document from my day. Things that I would ordinarily pass by with a smile, got a little more recognition.
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My favorite spot for summer knitting.
Doing a different kind of spinning today.
Sometimes, this is what designing knitting patterns looks like.
Making tiny, adorable mini skeins!
So far, reading subtitles while spinning singles has not been a bad idea.
Another day, another walk on the beach.
Found a beautiful shell at low tide.