2014: Reboot

I’m usually not one to look back and remise at the dawn of a new year but 2013 was amazing. I got married, moved to the other side of the United States, went exploring, bought a spinning wheel, spun lots of yarn, and generally had a lot of fun. 

There were also things about 2013 that were difficult. Things that didn’t happen and other things that were outright disappointing. Also, I completely forgot about last year’s resolution/theme until it was time to make one for 2014. I had to look it up but, in 2013, I wanted to approach my life and projects with bold enthusiasm. Managed to pull it off about 50% of the time despite forgetting it. As for that other 50%? There was fear and guilt and procrastination because of the fear and guilt. Procrastinating doesn’t lead to enthusiasm of any sort unless your enthusiastic about procrastinating. Can’t say that I was but it was a tough cycle to break.   This is were 2014 comes in.



I’m aiming to leave the troublesome trifecta behind and that start fresh. The projects and goals that I kept pushing to the bottom are going straight to the top. I’m not going to feel guilty those things are still undone. Well, I probably will feel guilty but I’m not going to let it stop me anymore. 

Bring it on, 2014. I’m ready for you. I’m going to write, design knitting patterns, edit, swing kettle bells, go exploring, ride my bike, take all of the photos, read books, sketch, spin yarn, and whatever else strikes my fancy. May it be an amazing, kick ass kind of year.