Wander the Web 9

Yoga Mat.jpg

This past week I’ve been getting reacquainted with my yoga mat thanks to DoYouYoga.com and the 30 Day Yoga Challenge. The daily sessions are short, 13 - 20 minutes each, but still manage to leave me pleasantly sore and energized. I’m looking forward to the remaining 25 days. 

In the meantime, more link goodness.

I found thisiscolossal.com through @dcorsetto on Twitter. It’s a combination of amazing art from reflective six-legged fox sculptures to a yarn bomb of the Williamsburg Bridge to twirling cake zoetropes. It’s been my eye candy all week. 

Also, @dcorsetto, otherwise known as Danielle Corsetto, writes and illustrates the hilarious and sometimes poignant Girls with Slingshots. I liked it enough to follow it for years before it had an RSS feed. 

Knitted Hammock (with pattern if you want to make your own)

Yarnbombed Squid Tree - Really wish I could see this in person. 

Videos of Marcello Barenghi’s hyper-realistic drawings - Watching him render a fried egg is incredible.