August Break - Week 4
/Where did the month go? August and this project is almost over with only 2 more days before September.
I’ve really enjoyed taking daily photos and completely ignoring all of the suggested prompts. Spending August getting reacquainted with photography was wonderful. Taking daily photos has become a fun log of my days even if they just capture a little slice of everything that’s going on. I’d like to keep the project going but mix it up a little bit so I don’t get bored. Maybe a theme for next month?
Follow the remaining days as they happen on Twitter.
From the ride home.
The beach is the perfect place to rest my legs in the middle of a long bike ride.
I have a penchant for finding the knitting books first in any library I visit. Handy skill.
I took tons of photos yesterday (August 27th) but forgot to post one for August Break. Time to fix that.
Gummi bears are an appropriate afternoon snack right?