
Rayski Scarf by Jane Ellison | ravelry |

I managed to get a lot of stuff done and out of the way when my knitting mojo disappeared. My swollen ankle didn't slow me down too much. Eventually, the ankle started feeling better and the mojo worked its way back to normal levels.

Mostly, it was the Rayski scarf and all of its bobbles that returned the mojo. I never thought that bobbles would have that effect on me. Anyway, not only is the pattern simple and easily memorized, the yarn is almost addicting. It's the famous and infamous Noro Iro. The colors are lovely and the yarn has a rustic quality that I quite like. Unfortunately, I had to deal with Noro's infamous qualities as well. Every skein has had a knot but at least the color sequence is intact. The one upside is that it allows me a bit more control over the colors even if I do have more ends to weave in. Ends aside, I'm looking forward to knitting the rest of the scarf and wearing it many months from now.