A Long Time Ago...

 ...I caught the spinning bug. I got a book, a spindle, and some wool. I even managed to clumsily spin a pair of singles and ply them together. Unfortunately, school took over my free time so the spindle and the yarn went back into their box. I didn't even set the twist. I wish I could tell you how long ago that was but...I really don't know. Maybe it was 3 years. Maybe it was 4. I have no idea.

Recently, the spinning bug bit again and I remembered that poor, lonely bit of yarn wrapped around that spindle. I couldn't care less about the spindle but the yarn should definitely see the light of day. So, I skeined it, gave it a bath, a good twack, and let it dry. I ended up with 3 yards of yarn that ranges from bulky to far beyond super bulky. Seriously, parts of this yarn are thicker than my fingers.  

Maybe it's just because it's my first skein of handspun, but I find this yarn and all of its inconsistencies intolerably cute. I love to hold it in my hands and look at it from every angle noticing every detail. I look at it with wonder and think, "I made this." It just seems so right. I haven't had the feeling from knitting in awhile. I make a pair of socks and I think, "Woot! A new pair of socks. What next?" Making this yarn is different though. Still, I have to wonder how long this feeling with last. Not long enough in any case.