
This knitting pattern is available under the value for value model. If you like it, you can support the release of future patterns by donating or subscribing on Ko-Fi, signing up for the With Wool Express newsletter, or showing your friends.

The pattern is also available on Ravelry with coupon codes so you can pay what you want.

This hat is sure to keep your little sapling cosy any time of year.

The hat is knit from the stem down and uses a variety of techniques: knitting, purling, working in the round, yarn overs, a variety of lifted increases, decreases, and EZ’s sewn cast off.

Read about the story behind the Sapling Hat

Or check it out on Ravelry.

To purchase this pattern wholesale, please visit Deep South Fibers.

Sizes: 0-6 months (16"), 6-18 months (18.5")

Gauge: 5 sts = 1" in stockinette

Needles: US 5 (3.75 mm) Double Points and US 8 (5 mm) Double Points OR Circulars

Yarn: 60 - 80 yds Worsted Weight Yarn; Shown in Berroco Weekend

Notions: Tapestry Needle and Stitch Markers